
Are you a real traveling fan? ;)

Some thoughts that occurred to me couple of days ago while I was driving back home from Lombok:

I’d always claimed myself as a big fan of travelling, but since I moved to Indo I can’t really say that I see as many countries as I had seen before. So I started to be confused wether I can still call myself as a traveling fan?

But what I realized that day on the way from Lombok, that travelling might be a different thing for different people. For some traveling is seeing new places all the times, while for others — it’s more just about being on the road. I guess I belong to the one’s who care more about being on the road instead just seeing new things every time. Even if you go to the same place all the time — it’s still works as traveling for me! For example I’ve been to Lombok couple of times and I enjoy going there more & more every time.

PS. And Indo is so big & beautiful so you don’t really need to go outside unless you explore it fully  ;)

Lombok, Indonesia

Lombok, Indonesia

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